Thursday, July 31, 2014

Svenna, then and now!

Wow has she changed a lot! I ran into her old back tracing while cleaning and it really shocked me, it is hard to believe now that she was ever that small and A framed. Now she's shaped like a propane tank! Today after her bath I got a barn mate to take some pictures, and I dug up some of the first square pics I took of her last December-two months after I bought her. I think she looks like a totally different animal!

In the picture where she's facing right she is sort of bowing towards the camera trying to look at the photographer which makes her neck look kind of hollow. 

 The top curve is her now, the bottom curve is from December. Crazy!

It's good to look back and remember what we came from- I was not happy with our ride today, but compared to only a few short months ago it's like a different horse and I need to give her credit for that. She is SO much more flexible and strong, even though she has a long way to go. My main goals are to develop more strength to be steady in the bridle, become more consistent over the back, and develop more submission...she can be such a little snot! All in all though she is making great strides and I can't wait to see where she'll be in another 6 months!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A bazillion pictures of Svenna- and a few updates too

Well, it's been a long time since I've posted. But school is out, I have a degree, and just when I thought things would be mellowing out they got even crazier! I spent a week at home in San Diego, then a week in Yellowstone NP...I've been back a few weeks but studying furiously for the GRE. Spending 5+ hours a day studying for a standardized test is not my idea of fun!

Luckily, I have a very cute pony to distract me when I need a break. I can't decide if she looks really muscular or really fat haha...the BO said she thinks its fat over muscle, which is probably the most accurate. Despite being LAZY in the hot summer weather, she'd doing really well. Much steadier in the bridle, more consistent, and starting to travel over the back without being rigid 100% of the time. We are still struggling with side to side flexibility and leg yielding is her nemesis, but even that has improved. It's amazing what 5 days of work a week will do! The canter is a little all over the place (you can see in the pics she's really up in the bridle), but as she gets stronger it gets better, so I'm not worried.
Little bunny foo foo

One thing she has not improved on, to my dismay, is her spookiness. She is just a spooky horse, and half the time it is totally out of nowhere. She's kind of a little shit about it too, she just curls her neck up and whirls around or scoots off. I mean, she's not really super athletic, so it's not what I'd consider dangerous, but I can never go hack her out on the buckle, I'd be on a runaway train in no time. A very, very, slow and tired runaway, but a runaway nonetheless. I don't even think she is genuinely fearful most of the time, she is just trying to change the conversation to get out of whatever I'm asking her. To fix it I'm basically just riding her. A lot, and all over. Out in the XC field, out on the trail, out on the track, in the outdoor. I can't really tell if it's helping yet, but I'm just so happy to be out of the indoor for a few months that I don't care.
Me yelling "GOOD GIRL!" as she makes a minuscule effort to go sideways. That is her (super cute) thinking face. 
Spooking at the bushes. At least that gets her going forward!
I've also been jumping her once a week or so. She really likes it, for like 6 jumps, then she's done. Such a prima donna!  It's really just trotting stuff, very minimal cantering singles as her canter probably needs another 6 months before she really has the balance and step to jump around. Right now I'm just acclimating her to the idea of "over" without starting a fight. She hit one for the first time last week and threw an absolute fit afterwards, leaping and bucking and scooting around. It was too funny, but she went right over the next time which was great. The BO has offered to help me lunge her over some of the smaller XC obstacles when they are done bringing the hay in...I can't wait! Not that Svenna would ever be a good eventer...she is literally the SLOWEST horse I have ever ridden, even when she is running her little heat out. It'll be a fun thing to play with though, and you never know, maybe she'll enjoy it too.
Honestly, I'll admit that now that I'm feeling more confident, I really miss Sid. I am feeling pretty underhorsed, even though I'm just trying to enjoy her and not think about showing. But I miss it, I have never not had riding goals and aspirations. Sigh. What problems I have! haha I'm thinking of doing some lessons with a trainer I took Sid to a few times. She has a GP horse that she let me ride, and it's always good to have someone yell at you about your eq once in a while.

Anyway, I had a friend out at the stable the other night to FINALLY get some pictures of Svenna in action. They are not great, but wow she has come a long way. There is a show in September I'd love to hit, but I supposed to be doing more traveling so we'll see. More updates soon! Even though I always say that and never do!
Damn girl, heels down. Finally a pic of her on the bridle though.